I guess its hardly half way through March, but honestly Spring, where are you??? I am so sick of this weather. Its like the season that couldn't. Well, despite the weather, spring is supposed to be a time for renewal and fresh starts (or is that New Years?) well, anyway... When I think about the person I was this time last year and I think about the person I am now... whoa! We've come a long way baby.
No more pitty parties, no more wallowing, no more blah blah blah. Just me and my life. Its been this way for awhile, but winter had me living my life in the warm cozy comfort of my apartment & now I'm ready to shed the sweats and hit the ground running. Speaking of running....
This May, 1 week after my 25th Birthday, I will be running my first ever 1/2 Marathon in Madison I've always enjoyed running (i use the term enjoy very loosely) but never thought I could run 13.1 miles. My boyfriend is running the full..no thanks... and around January he said hey you want to do it with me? I replied that I simply feel that I haven't the mentality to run 26.2 miles, forget the physical aspect. So I compromised on the 1/2. So we shall see.
Training has been under way for a few months and I am up to 18 miles a week with my long runs at 8 miles. If youre thinking of doing your own and don't know where to start, I highly highly reccommend Runner's World. You can even go to their SmartCoach and it will map out a traning program for you. If anything its a great way to get your ass in shape. Trust me!! You'll think about that 3rd 4th and 5th cocktail on Saturday night when you have a 90min run ahead of you the next day.
In other new beginning news, thanks to a jerky assmonkey theif, I had to get ALL new credit cards, IDs, checking account, you name it. As much of a pain in the ass it was, it was kinda nice to start from scratch. AND I got to sneak out of work early a couple days to "take care of stuff." Thats always nice. But, MR/MRS Thief whoever you are, you suck. And I want my wallet back, I liked that wallet.
Well, the laundry is done so I'd better go put on fresh sheets and head to bed. Run run run in the morning. Perhaps the weather Gods will grant me with some mild weather.
Until then!!! Think Spring (or better yet, Summer!!)
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